No Fides

No Fides – mai fidarsi di sbirri, soldati e Stato!

Dal 15 al 19 agosto, la polizia e l’esercito effettueranno l’esercitazione Fides (fiducia) a Berna.

L’esercitazione consisterà nell’assicurare la protezione di “infrastrutture sensibili”, ad esempio i centri importanti di energia, trasporti, simulando uno scenario di “minaccia terroristica di lunga durata”.

Questo esercizio significa molto di più di un delirio (molto distante dalla realtà) di qualche fanatico della sicurezza. In un’epoca in cui le guerre e le crisi del capitalismo sono diventate uno stato di cose permanente e la catastrofe climatica è diventata una realtà, è inevitabile che i governanti assicurino i propri profitti e il loro potere. Le rivolte e le proteste in corso in tutto il mondo dimostrano come molte persone stiano lottando per una vita migliore e non vogliano più accettare lo sfruttamento e la distruzione dell’ambiente.

Con l’operazione Fides, l’esercito e la polizia svizzeri si preparano a un possibile futuro: con il pretesto di garantire la sicurezza della popolazione, si addestrano alla contro-insurrezione per proteggere il potere, la proprietà e l’”economia svizzera”.

Il fatto che lo scenario scelto sia quello della “minaccia terroristica”, subito dopo l’entrata in vigore delle nuove leggi antiterrorismo, non sorprende affatto.

La parola “terrorismo” non solo diffonde la paura diffusa di un nemico invisibile per giustificare un maggiore controllo, ma scredita come “terrorist*” anche tutt* coloro che mettono radicalmente in discussione il governo e lottano per il cambiamento sociale.

È chiaro che l’esercito e la polizia sono patriarcali e razzisti, se vengono usate come istituzioni armate di un sistema patriarcale e razzista. Lo si può vedere, ad esempio, nell’attacco militare alla migrazione alle frontiere esterne e interne dell’Europa. Lo si vede anche nell’immagine del tipico soldato: un uomo bianco, armato, conservatore di destra – un’immagine per nulla rassicurante in una società in cui si verifica in media un femminicidio ogni due settimane.

L’esercito e la polizia non ci proteggono, ma proteggono un mondo basato sullo sfruttamento, se necessario con la forza letale. Combattiamo contro tutto questo con i nostri valori di solidarietà e mutuo appoggio. Sabotiamo e disturbiamo Fides in moleplici modi!

Restate sintonizzat*

No Fides

From August 15 to 19, the police and military exercis „Fides“ (trust) will take place in Bern. Using the scenario of a „long-lasting terrorist threat“, the aim of the exercise is to train the protection of the „critical infrastructure“, such as major energy, transportation and government centers.

This exercise is far more than the unrealistic fantasies of a few security fanatics. At a time when wars and crises of capitalism have become a permanent state and when climate catastrophe has become a reality already, it is inevitable for the leaders to ensure their profits and power. The various uprisings and protests are evidence of how many people around the world are fighting for a better life and are no longer willing to accept exploitation and the destruction of their livelihoods.

With „Fides“, the Swiss military and police are preparing themselves for a possible future. In the guise of ensuring security for the population, they are actually training counterinsurgency operations to protect the general power relations and property situations as well as „the business location Switzerland“.

The fact that the scenario of a „terrorist threat“ is being rehearsed only recently after the new anti-terrorism laws came into force is not at all surprising. The buzzword „terrorism“ doesnt only stir up a diffuse fear of an invisible enemy in order to justify more control. At the same time, it has always served governments to discredit as „terrorists“ all those who radically question them and fight for social change.

Being the armed arms of a patriarchal and racist system, the army and police are also necessarily patriarchal and racist. This is evident, for example, in the military assault on migration at Europe’s external and internal borders. It is evident in the image of the common soldier: a white, right-wing conservative, armed man – not necessarily a reassuring image in a society where a feminicide occurs on average every two weeks.

The army and the police do not protect us, but a world based on domination and exploitation – with deadly force, if necessary. Let’s fight against it with our values of solidarity and mutual help! Let’s sabotage and disrupt „Fides“ in many ways!

Stay tuned!




No Fides

Di navbera 15-19ê Tebaxê de polîs û artêş li Bernê tetbîqata „Fides“ (bawerî) li dar dixe. Senaryoya „tehdîdeke terorîstî ya demdirêj“ ji bo perwerdekirina parastina „binesaziya krîtîk“, wek enerjî, veguhestin û navendên hikûmetê yên girîng e. Ev îdman ji fanatîzma nerealîst a hin fanatîkên ewlehiyê pir wêdetir e: Di demekê de ku şer û krîzên kapîtalîzmê mayinde bûne û karesata avhewayê jixwe rastiyek e, kesên desthilatdar bi neçarî bi dabînkirina qazanc û hêza xwe re mijûl dibin.

Ji ber ku serhildan û xwepêşandanên curbecur nîşan didin mirovên li cîhanê ji bo jiyaneke baştir têdikoşin û êdî naxwazin îstîsmar û wêrankirina debara jiyana xwe qebûl bikin. Bi «Fides» re, leşker û polîsên Swîsre jî ji bo pêşerojeke muhtemel xwe amade dikin. Di bin navê dabînkirina ewlehiyê ji bo gel, ew perwerdehiya dijberî serhildanê dikin da ku hevsengiya giştî ya hêz û milk û her weha „Swîsre wekî cîhek karsaziyê“ biparêzin. Ne ecêb e ku senaryoya „tehdîdeke terorîstî“ ya dijî-terorê tenê bi van qanûnên nû yên vê dawiyê ketine meriyetê têne ceribandin. Ji ber ku dirûşma „terorîzm“ ne tenê tirsek nezelal ji dijminekî nexuyayî diafirîne da ku bêtir kontrol bike; di heman demê de, her dem xizmet ji hukûmetan re kiriye ku hemû kesên ku bi awayekî radîkal wan dipirsin û ji bo serhildana civakî şer dikin wekî „terorîst“ tawanbar bikin.

Weke milên çekdar yên sîstemeke baviksalarî û nîjadperest, diyar e ku saziyên artêş û polîsan tenê dikarin baviksalarî û nîjadperest bin.

Ev yek ji bo nimûne, di êrişa leşkerî ya li ser koçberiyê ya li ser sînorên derve û hundirê Ewropayê de tê dîtin. Ew di wêneyê leşkerê hevpar de tê xuya kirin: zilamek spî, rastgir, çekdar – ne tam wêneyek dilnizm e di civakekê de kêmzêde di du hefteyan de carekê jinkujî pêk tê.

Artêş û polîs me naparêzin, heke hewce bike ew cîhaneke bi serdestî û îstîsmarê diparêzin. Werin em bi nirxên xwe yên hevgirtin û alîkariya hev li dijî vê têbikoşin. Werin em «Fides»‘ê bi gelek awayan sabote bikin û têk bibin!


No Fides – demonstration against police violence, militarization and surveillance

From August 15 to 19, the police and the army will hold the exercise „Fides“ (trust) in Bern. With the absurdly constructed scenario of a „long-lasting terrorist threat“, the protection of „critical infrastructure“ is to be trained, such as data centers of the energy industry and distribution centers of various goods, as well as important transport and government infrastructures.

The police and military want to portray themselves as trustworthy and protective. But these patriarchal and racist institutions not only represent a reactionary image of masculinity and „male alliances,“ of „blood and soil,“ of supposed strength and honor, but also guard border fences on a daily basis, practice racial profiling, and enforce deportation flights. As the armed arms of the state, they are geared to defend the prevailing conditions – if necessary with lethal force.

This year’s „Fides“ exercise speaks of a „long-lasting terrorist threat.“ But the state has long used the term „terrorism“ to create an image of the enemy, under which resistant and left-wing movements are increasingly denied the legitimacy for their activism and their criticism of existing conditions. Stricter legislation simplifies the work of repressive institutions against activists and their structures. In France, for example, the government classified over a hundred anti-fascist groups as terrorist threats and banned them at the same time. The repressive measures are now making anti-fascist work fundamentally more difficult. These developments raise the question of which groups and movements will be criminalized in the future. For example, will the military be activated in the future when the climate youth carry out blockade actions to bring one of the most urgent concerns to the public? Will in the future the police and the army fight against anti-fascist work and thus play into the hands of a worldwide trivialization of fascism?

To kick off this year’s „Fides“, we will take our various concerns and our critique of the state, police and military to the streets on Sunday, August 14. The restrictions by the repressive state organs in our everyday life are massive and the preservation of the structural power relations seems to be difficult to attack through the protection of the said institutions. But this does not prevent us from fundamentally criticizing the state as an institution and its organs that exercise violence. Nor does it prevent us from resisting the delegitimization of ourselves, our thoughts, and our struggles. No state, no police and no military of this world can stop our ideas of a society free of repression and violence, without discrimination and oppression.

Gathering on Sunday, August 14 at 15:00 on the Schützenmatte.

No Fides – never trust cops, soldiers or the state!

Footnote: This demonstration will not be authorized. We consider it absurd to ask for permission to criticize the prevailing conditions, especially in this context. We are aware that demonstrations in themselves, and especially when they are not authorized, are not a form of action accessible to all.